Tre anni dopo la morte di Denis, l'amico che li ha uniti, Antonio e Luca incrociano di nuovo le 费拉兹、梅里姆和他们十岁儿子阿齐兹在去往南部国家度假的途中遭遇枪战,儿子被子弹误伤。阿齐兹急需肝脏移植,这不仅将夫妻二人的生活完全打乱,而且揭开了一个埋藏许久的秘密。阿齐兹能活下来吗?费拉兹、梅里姆二 A comatose five-year-old girl journeys through an industrial wonderland to find her way back to cons Based on the cookbook Sitting in Bars with Cake by Audrey Shulman. Set 200 years in the future, a small band of rebels face off against the status quo where humans hav 剧情简介:老警长佛朗哥·阿莫尔在退休前夕被叫去调查犯罪现场,他最好的朋友兼长期合作伙伴迪诺在这次钻石劫案中遇害,案发现场不仅有警员,还有中国人死亡,这背后潜藏着怎样的惊天秘密呢...