Stewie and Brian form a children's band that threatens to fall apart when Olivia gets involved, Brian quickly falls in love with a woman, and after receiving devastating news regarding her cancer Stewie finally says his first word - and it's a swear, leaving Lois shunned by the other moms, s Lois decides to get LASIK surgery, but exploits her failing vision for personal gain; Peter, Chris a 待业的摇滚青年斯科特·皮格瑞姆(迈克尔·塞拉 Michael Cera 配音)原本过着无忧无虑的生活,但在遇见发色缤纷的梦中情人雷蒙娜·花(玛丽·伊丽莎白·文斯蒂德 Mary Elizabeth Wi 这是 1992 年。这个曾名为美国的国家现在被称为“伊甸园”,是一个由传道和腐败统治的技术官僚国家。超级战士道夫·激光战鹰刚刚被他一生的挚爱(他的男友阿莱克斯·泰勒)背叛,被关进了伊甸园安保级别最高的 一位初出茅庐而心地善良的船长无意中发现自己掌舵了一艘走私船,这艘船归可怕的国际贩毒集团所有。为了躲避当局的抓捕,贩毒集团把他当成了替罪羊。 衍生诗选类动画剧《劣迹》,讲述《黑袍纠察队》世界中还不为人知的故事。