The Story is purportedly based on real-life incidents which took place in the 1980s 來自城市的馬汀被迫參加禁用3C的夏令營。卻發現森林的生物身陷危險,他必須保護牠們、避免被開採商傷害。 Maia和她十几岁的女儿Alex住在蒙特利尔。在平安夜,Maia收到了一个盒子,里面装着她离开黎巴嫩时托付给好友的日记、磁带和照片。她拒绝打开这个潘多拉的盒子,但因暴风雪被困在家中的亚历克斯却抵挡不住 Gandhi Mahaan, a school teacher, is abandoned by his family after he decides to live a life of his o To save his brother from the hands of narcos in Medellin, Reda gathers a team to raid the kidnappers 《浪荡世代》、《秘窗》莎拉阿伦领衔主演。爱丽丝长期遭受丈夫的暴力对待,某次因自卫误杀了丈夫,从此逃走并改名再婚。过了一阵子安稳日子后,亡夫老朋友却找上了门来,并宣称他知晓一切……。